My Puzzle Books


I make a large range of different puzzle types across various categories. These include number puzzles, logic puzzles, and word puzzles.

Word Puzzles

The most popular word puzzles are crosswords and word search puzzles. However there are a range of other word puzzles that I also make, such as codeword puzzles, A-Z puzzles, arrow words, kriss kross puzzles, word wheels, word ladders and more besides. Word puzzles can be personalised and made to order to fit a specific theme or brief.

Number Puzzles

Puzzles in this category are often mathematical, or combine an element of maths and logic. Puzzles in this group include those such as kakuro, number squares and killer sudoku puzzles, together with more classical maths puzzles such as sequences, maths chains and other mental arithmetic puzzles.

Logic Puzzles

This is the category that the smash-hit sudoku puzzle fits in. Although it uses numbers, it could instead use letters of the alphabet or indeed any other symbol instead of 1-9 which have no mathematical function within the puzzle. There are a large range of puzzles in this category, some more common than others, which include puzzles such as bridges, minesweeper, battleships, loop-making puzzles, rectangles, futoshiki and many more besides.

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